Published in early 2015, ASTM F3125-15 (later as ASTM F3125/F3125M-15a) is a consolidation and replacement of six ASTM standards (A325, A325M, A490, A490M, F1852, and F2280). General information on bolt design and installation aspects can be found in Advantage Steel No. 54, page 10, available at this link:
In this “umbrella” standard, the name of each bolt standard becomes a bolt grade (e.g. A490 becomes F3125/F3125M Grade A490). The traditional bolt type designations remain, i.e. Type 3 for weathering steel and Type 1 for bolts of other high-strength steel compositions. There are two bolt styles: F1852 and F2280 are referred to as twist-off style bolts, while the others are heavy hex style bolts. All bolts manufactured after the publication date of F3125-15 must comply with its requirements. Bolt markings for Type 1 bolts are shown on the figure below, where “XYZ” stands for the manufacturer’s identification. Although included in F3125/F3125M, metric bolts are not shown on the figure, since they have not been in common use in Canada.

Figure 1 – ASTM F3125/F3125M Bolt Grades
The design of bolted connections must comply with CSA S16-14, which specifies the bolt strength and resistances, and references the ASTM bolt standards prior to the consolidation. New purchase orders, however, may be placed in accordance with the ordering requirements in ASTM F3125/F3125M as summarized below:
- ASTM designation
- Quantity: Number of bolts or assemblies, including washers, if required
- Size: Including nominal bolt diameter and bolt length, and thread pitch if other than standard
- Grade: A325, A325M, A490, A490M, F1852 or F2280
- Type: Type 1 or Type 3. When the type is not specified, either Type 1 or Type 3 may be furnished at the supplier’s option
- Style: heavy hex or twist-off style
Additional ordering information may include, if required: coatings or finishes, test reports, details of other assembly components such as nuts and washers, rotational capacity testing, special observations or inspection requirements, and country of origin requirements. Heavy hex bolts may be ordered individually, packaged with nuts, packaged with nuts and washers, or as assemblies. See ASTM F3125/F3125M-15a for further information.
A typical description: 1000 pieces ¾ ” × 3 ” ASTM F3125/F3125M–15a, Grade A325 heavy hex bolt, Type 1, each with one hardened ASTM F436 Type 1 washer and one A563 Grade DH heavy hex nut.