September 13, 2019

The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction is proud to present SteelDay 2019!
September 13, 2019 | Cities All Across Canada
We are inviting our Members & Associates nationwide to open their facilities, job sites and offices to offer tours and demonstrations locally. By doing so, we’re able to show Canada how our vibrant structural steel industry is contributing to building our communities!
SteelDay 2019 is an interactive networking event for members of the design, construction and structural steel industry. Across the nation, steel fabricators, mills, service centres, galvanizers, HSS producers, bender-rollers and others will open their facilities, job sites, and offices. Architects, engineers, contractors, developers, students, educators and the general public are invited to see how we contribute to building Canada.
Register to be a host today at and take advantage of the opportunities to: |
SHOWCASEyour company, facilities and projects |
| NETWORKwith key industry decision makers |
| DEVELOPnew business opportunities |
| SUPPORTthe steel industry |