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Join us, November 26th, 2024, at the Prince George Hotel in Halifax, Nova Scotia, for our upcoming CISC Halifax SteelConnect Mixer. Kicking off at 12PM local time, this mixer offers a lineup of detailed technical sessions discussing key steel construction topics, with presentations by CISC team members, industry professionals, and academics. The event includes a catered meal & cocktail hour for all attendees.

*The CISC is hosting a pre-mixer Atlantic Region Meeting from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ADT, open to members and associates only.*


Mixer Schedule:

Catered lunch served – available to all attendees


Technical session presentations 

Utilizing Dimensions of Culture as a Pathway to Improved Retention 

Paul Pickering | Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

Designing Steel Deck Diaphragms for Efficient Installation

Jane Boyle, P.Eng. | Hilti


Cocktail hour & Networking opportunity



Admission Tickets Found Here: https://steelstore.cisc-icca.ca/collections/events/products/halifax-steelconnect-mixer-november-26-2024
*Are you a student or Engineer In Training(EIT)? See about our discounted ticket price.*

Sponsor the Event Here: https://steelstore.cisc-icca.ca/collections/sponsorship-opportunities/products/halifax-steelconnect-mixer-sponsorship-opportunity-1




Prince George Hotel

1725 Market Street, Halifax NS

B3J 3N9

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