Day 3 – April 26, 2023
Starts at 11:00 AM EDT
11:00 AM
Cold-Formed Steel Courses: Theoretical & Practical
Brett Perras P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, CFS
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC-ICCA)
This session will provide the CISC/CSSBI Cold-Formed Steel Executive Summary of both the Theoretical and Practical Design courses being developed by the CISC and soon to be released.
11:30 AM
Metal building Through-Fastened and Standing Seam Roof (SSR)
Rae Limerick, P.E.*
Senior Project Engineer
American Buildings Company
Overview of the design of metal building Through-Fastened and Standing Seam Roof (SSR) assemblies based on CSA S136. Introduction to experimental determination of purlin R-factors used for flexural design of cold-formed purlins per AISI S908 test standard.
12:00 PM
A Better Footprint at No Added Cost : A Steligence® Case Study on 12-Storey Light Steel Framing building
Capucine Lardinois, P.Eng.
Project Manager Steligence®
ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P.
Steligence® is a research initiative developed by ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company, to explore the concept of designing and constructing buildings using a holistic approach. The research involves comparing functionally equivalent buildings designed using different construction materials, with a focus on evaluating the building’s environmental and economic performances. In this case study, we will compare a 12-storey high-rise building designed with two different structures – light steel framing and cast-in-place concrete.
12:30 PM
Steel Roofing and Cladding: Considerations on Costs
Kevin Dutrisac, P.Eng, ing.
Chief Engineer – Ingénieur en Chef
Technical Services – Services Techniques
Ideal Roofing Company Limited
This presentation will be about navigating the many options of steel roofing and cladding and the differences in costs between them. One factor that can affect cost is the product itself, such as its thickness, finish, profile, etc. But the shape of the building can have a major impact on the cost of the steel roofing and cladding as well from the use of extra accessories and the added labour of the installation. This presentation will be helpful to architects when designing a project with costs in mind, as well as contractors and end users when selecting a product that is right for their project.
1:00 PM
Pre-engineered Building Systems- Steel Building Systems – Frameless and Rigid Frame Pre-engineered SBS
David Forsey, CTR
Architectural Representative
Behlen Industries LP
An overview of both Frameless and Rigid Frame Pre engineered steel building systems, including structural components, both primary and secondary framing systems. Exterior finish options for walls and roof, and standards of design for SBS.
1:30 PM
Dan Van Gageldonk
Technical Sales Representative
Bailey Metal Products Limited
A long Span Composite Floor System offering performance, improved schedule, and cost effectiveness.
COMSLAB® is a combination of deep steel decking and a concrete cover slab that have cured together and bonded structurally as one element. This construction technique results in significant cost savings and is ideal for fast-track construction, especially in tight working spaces.
2:00 PM
Cours sur l’acier formé à froid : Théorie et pratique
Hellen Christodoulou
PH.D. Ing., B.C.L., LL.B, M.B.A.
Directrice Développement des marchés et de l’industrie de l’acier
Institut canadien de la construction en acier (CISC-ICCA)
Dans cette séance, nous vous présenterons le résumé des cours théorique et de conception pratique sur l’acier formé à froid de l’Institut canadien de la construction en acier (ICCA) et de l’Institut canadien de la tôle d’acier pour le bâtiment (ICTAB) que nous développons actuellement et qui seront bientôt offerts.
2:30 PM
UltraBond, Mega Joist and Delta Stud by Imperial Building Products Ltd
James Ram
National Technical Sales / Business Development
Imperial Building Products Ltd.
UltraBond is a Deep Deck Composite Floor System providing clear spans up to 10m. ( 33 feet ). UltraBond provides a safe working platform during construction, allowing maximum architectural design freedom. Fire rated system. The system is an easy to use fast track construction solution.
Mega Joist is the most innovative floor framing system of the 21st century with it’s stamped web openings making it easy to route all services. Reduced Sound Transmission, unmatched thermal performance; a ‘C’ section Joist weighs less but stronger than conventional ‘C’ Joist.
Delta Stud is a load bearing steel stud ‘C’ section with stamped rim of each opening providing greater web stiffness. A higher strength to mass ratio than conventional studs. Reduced Sound Tranmission with unmatched thermal performance.