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Environmentally friendly roofing solutions

The total recycled content found in Canadian manufactured steel used for roofing is a minimum of 25% and can be greater than 95% depending on the steel making process. Both these values represent industry leading levels of

recycled content. Steel is the world’s most recycled material, and in North America, over 70 million tonnes of steel are recycled or exported for recycling annually.

A steel roof can often be installed over your current roof, greatly reducing tear-off and disposal of old roofing material in landfills. Many consumers that are in the market for a new roof are unaware that applying a steel roofing system over their existing roof is actually a well practiced installation technique, with a proven track record. Most experts recommend going this route to save money and time, assist with home insulation issues, as well as reduce waste in land fills and reduce yard mess during the installation process.

Low grade asphalt shingle roofs can last only 10 to 20 years and then require replacement. Re-roofing generates approximately 11 million tonnes of waste in our land fills each year. REDUCE your contribution to global warming, by installing a new steel roof over your existing shingles. A steel roof includes RECYCLED content & can SAVE on ENERGY for the summer months. This adds up to reduced greenhouse emissions … remember to practice the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and we will all enjoy a greener country.

Solar Panels

For homeowners and builders looking to protect their solar system investment, consider the following:

Think long term

Steel roofs are the best option for photovoltaic systems, greatly reducing the risk of a roof failing before a solar panel system does. The estimated lifespan of solar panels is typically about 20 to 25 years while steel roofs last for 40-plus years, two or three times the average lifespan of other types of roofing materials. That means the roof will easily outlast the panels.

Start with a strong base

Steel is exceptionally strong and durable, able to support the weight of heavy solar systems by using a simple attachment and clip solution that does not require drilling holes into the roof or the need for self-ballasted systems, reducing the possibility of roofing failures and potential leaks.

Maximize the energy savings

Considered cool roofs, steel offers additional energy efficiency benefits, especially combined with solar. Even basic, unpainted metal roofs will reflect more solar radiation than asphalt, which typically absorbs and holds heat. Steel roofs with special coatings deliver high total solar reflectance and high infrared emittance, keeping homes cool and saving energy by re-emitting most of what solar radiation is absorbed.

Reduce environmental impacts even more

Steel can be 100 percent recycled rather than dumped into a landfill at the end of its long life. It reduces long-term maintenance by naturally resisting moss and fungus, cutting down on the need for strong chemical treatments.

Consider all-season climate conditions

Solar isn’t the only consideration in sunny climates. In extreme climate conditions that are becoming more prevalent in every season and region, steel stands up better to hurricane-force winds, severe rain and hailstorms, heavy snowfall and dangers including wildfires that are more likely to damage other types of roofs.