Montreal, March 20, 2020

The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction of the Quebec Region (CISC) applauds the measures of support for businesses announced by the Quebec government and Prime Minister François Legault.

All of the measures that can help support steel fabricators and suppliers in this difficult time, cover several needs and situations experienced and they are targeted at mitigating the economic impacts of COVID-19, but only funding in the form of loans does not solve the problem for long-term debt.

However, the CISC encourages the Quebec government to offer direct assistance to businesses through subsidies, by improving subsidies on the payroll as announced by the federal government and to temporarily suspend the effects, by establishing a moratorium, on all business expenses and charges.

Together we can ensure the sustainability and revival of the Quebec economy. Please accept Mr. Legault, Premier of Quebec, the expression of my most distinguished regards.


Hellen Christodoulou, PH.D. Ing., B.C.L., LL.B., M.B.A.
Directrice Régionale-Québec
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC-ICCA)