Seismic & Wind Effects – Seismic

QUESTION: (SUMMER2016) In National Building Code of Canada 2015, the period dependant Site Coefficient F(T), used for determination of seismic Design Spectral Accelerations, has replaced Site Coefficients Fa and Fv. CSA Standard S16-14, however, continues to reference Site Coefficients, Fa and Fv. Is S16-14 out of step with NBC 2015? ANSWER: CSA S16-14 is compatible [...]

2017-10-03T15:44:25-04:00October 1st, 2017|

                                  – Wind

QUESTION: (SPRING2012) The User’s Guide – NBC Structural Commentaries provides external peak pressure-gust coefficient values, in Figures I-8 to I-14, for design of cladding and secondary structural members. Should these values or those tabulated in Figure I-7 be used for the design of a primary roof girder in a low-rise building? ANSWER: The values tabulated [...]

2017-10-03T15:44:37-04:00October 1st, 2017|
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