On Monday November 18, 2019, CISC Manitoba/ NW Ontario and Red River College hosted a seminar on structural steel, possibilities, challenges and solutions from an industry perspective.
The event gave an opportunity to all 3 years of the college’s Civil Engineering Technology; Architecture and Construction courses and interested others to hear 1st hand how a project works and how unplanned circumstances create problems and opportunity and test the depth, knowledge and strengths of all the players – to collaborate and find everlasting solutions.
This event was a first of its kind at the college for the steel industry. It was created from a request by RRC long term senior, Instructor Bahman Noruziaan and his Chair Shari Bielert to bring to light the overall presence of steel vs the more world-wide, well promoted, wood and concrete building products. It was designed to give 1st year students a look at the creativity and interesting work so they may make a more educated decision as to where they want to go after year one.
- Former CISC Chair Laurier Trudeau speaking to 105 CET and construction course students
- Bonnie Pankratz of Axis Inspection
106 students attended and benefited by having 6 outstanding 1/2 hr teaser presentations meant to ignite the creative & wondering juices. This event pushed students to know more than just the basics – because the basics just doesn’t do it in construction. This seminar helps build a bright future for the steel construction industry.
We would like to thank those who helped host the event, RRC reps Bahman and Shari, the students who attended, as well as presenters and all members or associates in the region: Tom Malkiewicz, principle @ Crozier Kilgour Partners engineering, Winnipeg; Ray Wan, principle @ Raymond Wan Architecture, Winnipeg; Bonnie Pankratz, principle @ Axis Inspection, Winnipeg; Clint Swain, senior sales manager, Benlen Industries, Brandon Mb.; Laurier Trudeau, vice president, Abesco Ltd., Winnipeg as well as other CISC Members and Associates.
This event was successful because of the industry support, and the super knowledgeable, caring, and warm hearted membership that gives back at every opportunity.